00's Region Curb Your Enthusiasm vs 30 Rock

Curb Your Enthusiasm might be high on the bandwagon in terms of shows I'll endorse throughout this tournament. I'm a mark for Larry David, plain and simple. TM"s right to say this might be better than Seinfeld. I will make more of a case for it when I have to, because I expect this show to ease by. But in the meantime, allow me this time to say that I don't think Tina Fey is a good writer. At all. She gets away with this show because she's great as an actress, and she has Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan to back her up. But her writing on SNL was appalling, and I mean every bit of that.

Larry David, on the other hand, is a fantastic writer, and this was truly his brain child. Seinfeld was all well and good, but this was all Larry David. And it's absolutely fantastic. It's tongue in cheek, and just an overall great show. Put it through over this. And when it faces better competition, I'll plead my case more
